API v8 - DeprecatedInterfacesAPIModalInteractionResponseCallbackDataVersion: 0.33.1On this pageAPIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/receiving-and-responding#interaction-response-object-modal@deprecatedAPI and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.Index Propertiescomponentscustom_idtitleProperties componentscomponents: APIActionRowComponent<APITextInputComponent>[]Between 1 and 5 (inclusive) components that make up the modalcustom_idcustom_id: stringA developer-defined identifier for the component, max 100 characterstitletitle: stringThe title of the popup modal
API and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.