API v8 - DeprecatedInterfacesGatewayVoiceStateUpdateDataVersion: 0.33.1On this pageGatewayVoiceStateUpdateData https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#update-voice-state@deprecatedAPI and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.Index Propertieschannel_idguild_idself_deafself_muteProperties channel_idchannel_id: null | stringID of the voice channel client wants to join (null if disconnecting)guild_idguild_id: stringID of the guildself_deafself_deaf: booleanIs the client deafenedself_muteself_mute: booleanIs the client muted
API and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.